Change Comes From Learning

Change comes from learning.

Starting a business in a recession may seem like madness to some and
an exciting adventure to others. 

Back in 2008 my partner and I set up a business in a market that we had experienced only as
a client with 2 exceptions.

It was a market where we had identified a need, business owners were willing to invest
and we had the experience of working successfully with two companies in the sector.

Did this mean we knew everything about the industry we were going into? …No

Did this stop us?….No

Did we make mistakes? Oh yes for sure and lots of them over time.

Did we ever think about giving up and re-entering the corporate world we had left?… No

Did we have to learn fast…Yes

We discovered that the quickest way to learn was to move into action and embrace the mistakes
and failures.

It’s a principle we practice constantly, as the only way we can change ourselves and our results
is to put one step in front of the other and move forward.  

Make those mistakes and learn from them.

It isn’t comfortable, in fact, I think we have spent more time in discomfort!

Change comes from learning.  

Are you ready to change and become the person you want to be?

Are you fed up doubting yourself so much and want to do something about it?

Then click this link, and let’s talk.

Have You Stopped Moving Forward?


I’ve been coaching people for over 30 years and it started with a sales representative who just couldn’t close because of the things they had spinning around in their head.

I have seen the same pattern at play in nearly every client I have started working with.

The good news is that I have created a short video series that will give you some relief straight away.

Click here

Till next time,
