About Me

Sharon Newey

I delivered my first coaching session thirty years ago. I was helping a sales rep get out of her own way so she could start selling, rather than convincing herself she couldn’t.

It worked, even though it wasn’t my finest coaching hour; the good news is I got a lot better. So, a quick tour around the last few decades and why I now coach people like you.

I trained as a Chemist; I loved the science though I realised a life in the lab wasn’t for me; I’d sooner sell it than make it!

Sales it was then.

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“Over the last nineteen years, I have delivered coaching, training and consulting at commercial and director level with Mars, Adelphi, Booking.Com, the NHS and hundreds of recruitment and search firms across the globe, resulting in multiple six figures for me in the process.”

All sounds perfect, doesn't it?

It hasn’t been.

Self-doubt, fear, panic, my outdated belief systems, overwhelm, and procrastination appeared daily. Crazy when I had been the top sales performer in my company, I’d presented to hundreds of people on stage, and I consistently closed five and six-figure deals.

The relief and realisation of what was possible for me only came when I started to manage my mind, and coaching was the key.

Here is the truth.

The thoughts in your head are so powerful, and they will make or break you and your business.

What if you could learn and practise the skills of mind management daily; How different would your life be?



I will teach you everything you need to know to manage your mind once and for all.

Ready to get started?

The support I have had has added six figures

Transformative is how I would describe working with Sharon. I started coaching because of a limiting belief that has been haunting me for many years.  Through Sharon’s coaching, I have made huge inroads into handling this.

Consequently, shifting my thinking has changed positively both my business results and my personal life. In fact, our business has trebled. The support I have had has added six figures, probably more to my numbers. I cannot recommend Sharon highly enough; she offers knowledge and a calm approach that is extremely impactful.

- Rachel Pedrithes, Co-Founder Ice Recruitment

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